If you have an interest in arabic-islamic thought, I recommend you to visit this site or follow it every monday at 16.30 GMT in aljazeera tv channel in the program called 'masaaraat'. You'll find that it is interesting to see the contemporary Arabic-Islamic Thinkers talk about their thoughts and intelectual projects. Dr. Thaha Abdurrahman, lecturer of logic and linguistic in Mohamed V University in Rabat, is one of them.
Dr. Thaha is named as one of the most creative thinkers in the field of Arabic-Islamic comtemporary thought. His prime intelectual project is the construction of Islamic solution to the problems of this age. His good mastery on logic and linguistic allows him to create some new concepts based on Arabic-Islamic heritage. He proposes, for example, the concepts like 'at-tarjamah at-ta'shiliyah' (the creative translation of greek or modern european philosophy to Arabic), 'al-falsafah al-hiwariyah' (dialogue philosophy), 'al-hadatsah al-islamiyah' (Islamic modernity)etc.
He wrote some books in order to give deep explanation about these concepts, such as 'su'al al-akhlaq', 'al-haq al-islami fi al-ikhtilaf al-fikri', 'ruh al-hadatsah', etc. Unfortunately, all of his books are still in Arabic languange. It will be better if these books were translated into english so they could be accessed by more people.
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