Sunday, November 16, 2008


What will happen with global financial system after G20 leaders meeting in US these days? There are critics to change global financial system that put US at the core. Indonesia has good experience in passing financial crisis in 1997. As the member of G20, Indonesia can share this expereince to find good solution of this economic crisis.


Aluf Wahid said...

huh! ... akhirnya ketemu juga. selama beberapa bulan terakhir ini aku mencari KAWAN LAMA yang hilang. apa kabar dewa? masih ingat aku?

Dedy W. Sanusi said...

im are u?

Aluf Wahid said...

sebelumnya aku tidak pernah ngasi "comments" di posting blog seseorang dan baru kali ini. aku risi juga ternyata identitasku bisa terakses dengan mudah. but forget it, aku cuma pengen minta e-mail kamu. thanks a lot before...

Dedy W. Sanusi said...

u can reach me at dewasa2008dotgmaildotcom. thanks.