Saturday, November 29, 2008

Terrorist Attack in India

There is no secure place around the world. That is what terrorists want. India is now the victim of terrorist attack. More than 100 people died and 200 injured. The attacks were occured before from US to Indonesia, from Spain to UK. This is humanity disaster of 21st century.

We are deeply sadened by this last attack. All countries have to fight more serious against terrorism.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

American Promise for Palestinians

President Bush, once, promised that by the end of his time in US administration, independent Palestine will come true. In next two months, he will leave his post replaced by new elected President,Mr. Barrack Obama, while Gaza strip remains under full control of Israeli Forces and its inhabitans live in very terrible situation.

'Change We Can Believe In' was the slogan of Mr. Obama's campaign to race for US president. It is his opportunity to realize what his predesesor, Mr. Bush failed to do. Palestine still wait and hope what Mr. Obama can do to solve this long conflict.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Financial Crisis: We are Still at The Beginning

Some analysts say that we are still at the beginning of economic crisis trigged by financial crisis in US. It is predicted that there will be new 20 million unemployed people around the world caused by this crisis. When this crisis goes deeper more people around the world especially in the poor countries will pay very high cost.

Indonesia-Brasil:Closer Relationship

I believe that more multipolar the world is more balance the relations between the countries will be. President of Indonesia has visited Brasil for several days. The two countries share many similarities: big population, wide area of agriculture, new stable democratic countries and on their way to be faster growing countries.
The big different is that Indonesia has to learn more football from Brasil!

Sunday, November 16, 2008


What will happen with global financial system after G20 leaders meeting in US these days? There are critics to change global financial system that put US at the core. Indonesia has good experience in passing financial crisis in 1997. As the member of G20, Indonesia can share this expereince to find good solution of this economic crisis.

Sunday, November 09, 2008


Trio Bali bombers has been executed yesterday. They has been buried in their villages. Their supporters remain call them as a martyr of Islam. According to them, what they did was a jihad. This is the real challenge of combating terorism. The hardest challenge is how to cönvince them that killing innocence people is a crime, not a jihad.

Saturday, November 08, 2008

Bali Bombers Will Be Executed

Do you remember the bloody Bali explotion that caused more than 200 people dead? The bombers will be executed died these days. This is important step to combat terorism, but treating it from its root by perserving good education, prosperity and justice for all is more important. It needs simultanous efforts in long term.

Friday, November 07, 2008


It is hard to imagine that Mr. Obama could be the Presiden of US without his mother and grandmother's serious attention on his education. Indonesian decision makers are now aware how great the impact of education is on a nation future. So, they alocate 20 percent of annual budget on educatiön. In long term, this decision will put Indonesia among the great countries in the world.

Thursday, November 06, 2008


America backs to the right path. History has been made there by Mr. Obama. He is elected as first President from afroamericans. Please, stop military existance in Irak and Other countries. Prove that you are new hope for a better world, Mr. President!